Creative process: Welcome the wall

When you ‘hit the wall’ in the creative process – and also the normal problem solving process – it hurts! It’s that uncomfortable place my friend describes as feeling restless. I describe it as a scratchy feeling – kinda like a tortoise flipped onto its shell and struggling to right itself. Not a nice place to be.


It turns out it’s a really good place to be. Jonah Lehrer describes in Imagine: How Creativity Works that “hitting the wall” happens when your brain has exhausted all the obvious solutions, gone down all “the usual” thinking paths and come up short. Hitting the wall should be a welcome event because it’s only then that the brain starts making unusual associations, looking around corners and into dark seldom used places to find solutions. This greatly increases your chances of coming up with a creative solution.

Bring on the wall!


How to choose a piece of art

My pet peeve is when people buy pieces of art to match the couch or the colour scheme of a room. That’s what wall paint is for.

There’s no formula for choosing art unless you’re a serious collector. Serious collectors need to consider resaleability, investment growth potential and sometimes buying by “artist.” Of course they also tend to buy art they love, but not exclusively so. If you’re not a collector – and most of us aren’t – then the only rule for choosing a piece of art is this:

Buy art that you love.

“I get that it’s abstract but what is it?”

Many people find contemporary art baffling. I was once hanging a painting in an exhibition and there was a fellow watching. After some time he came up to me and said: “I get that it’s abstract, but what is it?”

Clearly he didn’t get it. “It” wasn’t anything in particular – it was whatever it looked like to him.

That’s the beauty of abstract art. The viewer makes sense of it for themselves. Perhaps it’s just an interesting arrangement of shapes and spaces. Perhaps it makes you feel or think a certain way. Perhaps you just like the colours. Whatever.

Abstract or contemporary art is what YOU make of it.

Art is personal. There is a lot to be said for artworks where the subject is recognizable  – whether it’s a landscape, figure or still life. In fact, abstract artists can learn a lot from a well executed work that uses a familiar subject. But to us abstract art lovers it’s just not as interesting or intriguing when the meaning of a painting is served to you on a plate!